MasterBrand Vietnam

Trademark Registration in China

Posted by: MasterBrand
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: China    Publish Date: 10-May-2014

I. The general processes for trademark registration:

1) Trademark search;

2) If it can be registered, then provide information forthe trademark registration;

3) Transfer payment;

4) Submit Application within one workday;

5) The China Trademark Office will give theNotice of Registration Application Acceptance after two weeks;

6) After about  nine months, if it conforms to Chinatrademark law,  it willundergo preliminary examination by CTO, and will annouce it;

7) Within three months, where no objection is raised at theexpiration of the time limit, CTO will issue the trademark registrationcertificate and announce it.

II. The information and documents required for trademarkapplication in Chinaas follows:

(1) The name and address of the applicant (If Chineseversion already available, please provide it to us; if not, It will beneedtranslate into chinese);

(2) The designated class and goods;

(3) Power of Attorney (applicant signed, no notarizationand no legalization required);

(4) Trademark representation (in jpg or tiff format); Ifthe mark is colorful, an additional specimen in white and black is required;

(5) If the applicant is an individual, a copy of the ID isrequired; If the applicant is a Legal Person, a business Licence Copy is required;

(6) If priority is claimed, Priority document is required.


MasterBrand IP Agent

256 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Str., Dist. 3, HCMC, Vietnam

Tel: (+84-8) 38 343383           Fax:(+84-8)38 328 345




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