Register a trademark in Vietnam

Posted by: PADEMARK
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: Vietnam    Publish Date: 19-Apr-2011

Requirements for Trademark Registration PDF Print E-mail

A signed Power of Attorney from the Applicant to authorize PADEMARK to file the trademark application in Vietnam. Though not required at filing, this originally signed document must be submitted to the NOIP within one (01) month from the date of the NOIP’s Notice.


§          Full name, address, and nationality of the applicant;

§          Priority data: number of priority application(s), priority date, and priority country;

§          List of goods/services covered by the mark and respective class(s).


§          15 trademark specimens with the size not larger than 8x8 cm nor smaller than 0.8cm x 0.8cm;

§          Certified copy of priority document according to the Paris Convention (if any). This document must be submitted to the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) within 3 months from the filing date.

§          A signed Power of Attorney from the Applicant to authorize PADEMARK to file the trademark application in Vietnam. Though not required at filing, this originally signed document must be submitted to the NOIP within one (01) month from the date of the NOIP’s Notice. Notarization is not necessary.

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