ESSEN Patent & Trademark Office

China Gathers Itself in Invoking WTO Tools

Posted by: ESSEN Patent & Trademark Office
Practice Area: Patent    Country: China    Publish Date: 07-Sep-2009

Upon a request from China, the World Trade Organization (WTO) decided on July 31 to establish an expert panel to investigate and rule whether a U.S. ban on Chinese poultry imports violates WTO regulations. On the same day, China also filed a complaint to the WTO on anti-dumping measures taken by the European Union (EU) against the import of Chinese iron or steel fasteners. This is the first time China invokes WTO dispute resolution measures to solve trade disputes with the EU.

Some experts say the two WTO cases mark China's progress in using WTO rules to defend legitimate interests of own companies. According to the Financial Times, the move signals China's willingness to defend its trade-related interests more aggressively through multilateral institutions.

(Source: SIPO 2009-08-12)

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