MasterBrand Vietnam

Guidelines for Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Posted by: MasterBrand
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: Vietnam    Publish Date: 27-Sep-2013

1. Criteria for protection:

+) Being a visible sign in the form of letters, words, drawings orimages, including holograms, or a combination thereof, represented in one ormore colors

+) Beingcapable of distinguishing goods or services of the mark owner from those ofother subjects.

2. Requireddocuments:

+) Prioritydocument (if any)

+) Five(05) samples of mark. If the mark is merely word mark in black and white, wewill produce specimens ourselves

+) List ofgoods/services under the 10th edition of Nice classification (List of good/services must be specified inthe most detailed way)

+) Power of Attorney(PoA)

Pleasenote that the fax copy of PoA is accepted to file with the applicationproviding that the original shall be supplemented within 01 month. Thus, youshould fax us the Power of Attorney first for our early filing and send theoriginal by mail later for our supplementation.

3. Approximatetime to obtain Certificate: 12 months

4. Termof Validity: Certificates of registeredmarks shall have a validity starting from the grant date and expiring at theend of 10 years after the filing date and may be renewed for many consecutiveterms, each of 10 years.

5. Renewal: Renewalshould be paid within 6 months prior to the expiry date (a grace period of 6months expiry date is available providing that the Trademark Owner must paylate renewal fee).

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