MasterBrand Vietnam

Trademark Search in Vietnam

Posted by: MasterBrand
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: Vietnam    Publish Date: 10-May-2014

MasterBrand wouldlike to introduce our services - Conducting search trademark registration in Vietnam.Searching trademark is to search the NOIP’s trademark database to see if thereare any registrations or applications similar to your mark in the same classes ofgoods/services or relating classes of goods/services.


Trademark searchin Vietnam -It is not compulsory to conduct trademark search before official filing thetrademark application into NOIP. However, according to our experience, it ishighly recommended that you should do so since this will saved your time andmoney.


It is noted that theresult of trademark search should be considered as a reference data. The reasonis that the NOIP’s databases just show the applications already accepted as avalid applications and do not cover the international trademark applicationswhich has not been designated to Vietnamthrough the systems of Madrid agreement, Madrid protocol, etc.


(The time limitedfor an international trademark to designate to Vietnam is 06 months from thefiling date).


In Vietnam, youcan search for trademark information via website “”.


The website iseasy to use but it is not a smart way to use it as the only source to searchfor trademark. Therefore, it is advised that you should contact an IP law firm,which is one of the IP representatives to assist your trademark search.


MasterBrand IP Agent

256 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Str., Dist. 3, HCMC, Vietnam

Tel: (+84-8) 38 343383           Fax:(+84-8)38 328 345



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